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Volkswagen Atlas Tire Size

There comes a point in every driver’s lifetime when you’ll need to get new tires for your Volkswagen Atlas. Whether you’ve got a tire puncture, or they are worn, when the day comes for new tires, you’ll need to know which ones are right for your model.

We here at McDonald Volkswagen have created this Volkswagen Atlas tire size guide. This way, you’ll be cruising around Littleton, Parker, and Castle Rock, CO, with your new set of tires in little to no time at all. Ready to get started? Keep reading!

Volkswagen Atlas Tire Size

Volkswagen Atlas Tire Size

When you’re purchasing new tires, it’s important that you’re choosing the right size for your specific model. Otherwise, you’ll find that the tires are too big or small for your wheel, which could lead to potentially dangerous driving conditions.

Thankfully, Volkswagen has made it fairly simple to purchase the correct tires for your VW Atlas. Only two tire sizes are offered—the standard 245/60R18 all-season tires or the optional 255/50R20 all-season tires.

How to Read Tire Sizes

How are you supposed to tell which Volkswagen Atlas tire size is right for your model? Luckily, you’ll find that reading tire sizes is very easy, especially after reading our quick breakdown.

Let’s take a look at the standard 245/60R18 tire size to learn more about what each component of the measurement means:

  • 245: This first number tells you the width of your tire from sidewall to sidewall in millimeters.
  • 60: Next, this number refers to the height to width ratio. For this tire, the height is 60 percent of the tire’s width.
  • R: The letter lets you know how the tire is constructed. Here, the R stands for radial, meaning the layers of tire run at right angles to the circumference.
  • 18: This number tells you what the diameter of your tire is in inches

Typically, you can find the size of your current tires by looking at the sidewall. Of course, if you need any help, don’t hesitate to reach out to your trusted mechanic.

How to Check Condition of Tires

Checking on the condition of your tires is as important as checking your oil regularly. During this check, you’ll want to make sure there are no punctures or cracks, and they’re properly inflated to the correct PSI.

Another thing you’ll want to check is the tread. These are the grooves that make up the pattern on your tires that help you grip the surface of the road. Without proper tire tread, you may find yourself having a more difficult time stopping.

To check the tread of your tires, grab a penny and insert it into the tread with Lincoln’s head pointed down. If any part of his head is covered, your tread is deep enough. However, if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, that means your tread is too worn and it’s time for new tires.

Purchasing New Tires for your Volkswagen Atlas

Is it time for your VW Atlas to get fresh tires? Do you want extra help determining which ones are best suited for your model?

If so, let our team of automotive experts at McDonald Volkswagen help you. Here, our experts will help you with all of your tire needs, helping you get back on the streets of Littleton, Parker, and Castle Rock, Colorado, in no time at all.

Visit our dealership’s service center today to purchase new tires for your VW Atlas!

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